
Public Speaking

Inspiring Change Through Authentic Conversations
On LGBT Rights, Mental Health, Technology, and More

A Unique Voice

Jennifer Aronow's public speaking is more than just sharing thoughts and ideas; it's a heartfelt connection to life's complexities, struggles, and triumphs. With a background rich in diverse experiences, Jennifer brings a unique perspective that resonates with authenticity and empathy. Whether speaking on LGBT rights, mental health, technology, or veterans' issues, each topic is infused with personal insights, offering a fresh and empowering viewpoint. This approach not only educates but inspires, fostering a deeper understanding and compassion for the shared human experience.

Empowering Others

The driving force behind Jennifer Aronow's public speaking is a profound desire to help others learn from personal experiences, so they do not have to struggle in the same way. Recognizing that each struggle carries valuable lessons, Jennifer's goal is to transform these lessons into wisdom and guidance for others. By openly sharing stories of resilience, growth, and empowerment, Jennifer aims to inspire positive change, encourage self-reflection, and foster a sense of community and support. It's not just about speaking; it's about connecting, uplifting, and making a tangible difference in the lives of others.

Speaking Topics

LGBT Advocacy
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Exploring the multifaceted world of LGBT rights and advocacy, focusing on inclusivity, acceptance, and empowerment.

Jennifer's Journey: A Personal Story of LGBT Advocacy
  • Jennifer discusses their story at length, including rejection from parents, living in the US Navy as a man, and discrimination on the job.
LGBT 101: An Introduction to LGBT Rights and Culture
  • A comprehensive overview of LGBT rights, terminology, and cultural understanding, suitable for audiences new to the subject.
Promoting LGBT Cultural Competency in the Workplace
  • Strategies and best practices for creating an inclusive and supportive workplace environment for LGBT employees.
Empowering LGBT Youth: Support Strategies and Resources
  • Focusing on the specific challenges faced by LGBT youth, including mental health, education, and family dynamics, and how to provide support.
Transgender Broken Arm Syndrome: Healthcare Bias
  • Exploring the phenomenon of healthcare professionals attributing unrelated medical issues to a patient's transgender status.
Understanding Gender Identity and Expression
  • An exploration of the diverse spectrum of gender identities and expressions, promoting awareness, empathy, and inclusivity.
Building Allyship: Supporting LGBT Friends and Family
  • Practical guidance for allies of the LGBT community on how to offer meaningful support, understanding, and advocacy.

Mental Health
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A compassionate and informed exploration of mental health disorders, treatment options, support strategies, and breaking the stigma.

Jennifer's Journey: Overcoming Mental Health Challenges
  • Jennifer shares their personal experiences with mental health challenges, providing insights into coping strategies and recovery.
Understanding and Managing Bipolar Disorder
  • An in-depth look at the symptoms, treatment options, and coping strategies for individuals living with bipolar disorder.
Following the Joyous Path: A Personal Philosophy
  • Jennifer's unique approach to mental well-being, focusing on personal growth, acceptance, and joy.
What is Peer Support? An Introduction
  • An overview of peer support in mental health, including benefits, challenges, and best practices.
How to Provide Peer Support: Techniques and Strategies
  • Practical guidance on providing effective peer support, including communication techniques, empathy, and ethical considerations.
Promoting Mental Health in the Workplace
  • Strategies for fostering a mentally healthy workplace, including policies, accommodations, and wellness programs.
Understanding Accessibility in Mental Health Care
  • Exploring the importance of accessibility in mental health care, including considerations for diverse populations and needs.
Suicide Prevention for the LGBTQ Community
  • Focused strategies for suicide prevention within the LGBTQ community, including recognizing warning signs and providing intervention.
Trauma-Informed Care: Principles and Practices
  • An overview of trauma-informed care principles and how they can be applied in various mental health settings.

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Embracing the diversity of human brains and minds, focusing on acceptance, strengths, and celebration of neurological differences.

Jennifer's Journey: Living with Neurodiversity
  • Jennifer shares personal insights into living with neurodiversity, including challenges, strengths, and strategies for success.
Understanding Neurodiversity: A New Perspective
  • An introduction to the concept of neurodiversity, emphasizing acceptance, strengths, and celebration of neurological differences.
Autism Acceptance: Moving Beyond Stereotypes
  • Challenging common misconceptions about autism and promoting a more inclusive and accepting perspective.
ADHD: Strengths, Challenges, and Support Strategies
  • Exploring ADHD from a strengths-based perspective, including support strategies for home, school, and work environments.
Promoting Neurodiversity in the Workplace
  • Guidance on creating an inclusive workplace that values neurodiversity, including accommodations and best practices.
Mental Health and Neurodiversity: Intersection and Support
  • Exploring the intersection between mental health and neurodiversity, including unique support needs and considerations.
Technology and Neurodiversity: Tools for Independence
  • Highlighting technological tools and innovations that support independence and success for neurodiverse individuals.

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Exploring the intersection of technology and accessibility, focusing on inclusive design, innovation, and empowerment.

Web Accessibility (A11y): Designing for All
  • An overview of web accessibility principles and practices, ensuring that digital content is accessible to all users, including those with disabilities.

Veterans Issues
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Focusing on the unique experiences and needs of veterans, including mental health support, life transitions, and personal insights.

Jennifer's Journey: A Veteran's Perspective
  • Jennifer shares personal experiences as a US Navy veteran, including challenges, triumphs, and insights into military life.
Veterans and Mental Health: A Holistic Approach
  • Addressing the mental health needs of veterans, including depression, anxiety, PTSD, and a focus on holistic care.
A Secret Life: Being Trans in the Military
  • Exploring the unique challenges and experiences of being a transgender individual in the military, including personal insights and broader implications.

Other Topics
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A diverse collection of topics ranging from personal finance to accessibility, reflecting a broad spectrum of interests and expertise.

Why You Should Budget: The Benefits of Financial Planning
  • An exploration of the importance of budgeting, including practical benefits, financial freedom, and long-term stability.
The Benefits of Budgeting: A Practical Guide
  • A detailed look at the tangible benefits of budgeting, including savings, debt reduction, and financial empowerment.
Accessible Budgeting: Financial Planning for All
  • Guidance on creating accessible budgeting strategies that cater to diverse needs and abilities, promoting financial inclusion.

Booking Jennifer Aronow

Interested in having Jennifer share their unique insights and experiences at your event? Booking is easy and straightforward. Simply visit the Contact page and select 'Book Jennifer to Speak' from the dropdown menu. Fill out the required details, and we'll get back to you promptly to discuss the specifics. Whether it's a conference, workshop, or community event, Jennifer's perspective can add depth and inspiration to your program.

Jennifer's Availability

Jennifer is available for both virtual and in-person speaking engagements. For in-person events outside the Central Ohio area, transportation and hotel accommodations must be provided. Jennifer's engaging and insightful talks can be tailored to various platforms and audiences, ensuring a meaningful connection with your attendees.

Please Note: To ensure availability and proper preparation, we kindly request that bookings be made at least one month in advance. While we will do our best to accommodate last-minute requests, please be aware that bookings made with less notice may be declined.

How To Book

Booking Jennifer for your event is a decision that promises to bring valuable insights, personal stories, and a unique perspective to your audience. Here's what you need to know:

  • How to Book: Use the Contact page and select 'Book Jennifer to Speak.'
  • Availability: Jennifer is available for virtual and in-person talks. For in-person events outside Central Ohio, travel and accommodation must be covered.
  • Advance Notice: Please book at least one month in advance to ensure availability.

Your audience will benefit from Jennifer's expertise in LGBT advocacy, mental health, neurodiversity, veterans' issues, and more. Don't miss the opportunity to enrich your event with Jennifer's empowering message.

What Others Are Saying: Testimonials

Jennifer's talks have inspired and empowered audiences across various platforms and events. Here's what some of them have to say:

When they spoke on Peer Support

"As a Certified Peer Supporter, they have spoken in many venues and are always willing to assist others in their journey, be it LBGTQ+ or other areas of Mental Health. They are articulate, aware and knowledgeable. They bring the truth home."


Your feedback matters! If you've attended one of Jennifer's talks and would like to share your thoughts, please go to the Contact page and select "Give Your Testimonial".

Jennifer in the Media

Explore Jennifer's media appearances, including insightful talks, interviews, and features. Click on the links below to watch and learn more about Jennifer's perspective on LGBT rights, mental health, neurodiversity, and more:

Stay connected and follow Jennifer on linkedIn for updates on upcoming appearances, new content, and more.

Empowering Change, One Talk at a Time

Jennifer Aronow's public speaking journey is more than just sharing personal experiences and insights. It's about empowering change, fostering understanding, and inspiring others to embrace their unique paths. Through talks on LGBT advocacy, mental health, neurodiversity, veterans' issues, and more, Jennifer connects with audiences on a profound level, offering hope, empathy, and actionable insights. Your event could be the next step in this transformative journey.

Let's Connect: Book Jennifer Today

Ready to bring Jennifer's empowering perspective to your event? Whether it's a conference, workshop, or community gathering, Jennifer's talks can add depth, inspiration, and a touch of humanity.

Don't miss the opportunity to enrich your event with Jennifer's unique voice. Reach out today, and let's make a difference together.